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Marta je tady!


Víte, kdo je Marta? Nevíte? Tak pojďte se s ní seznámit...

My name is Márta Krusper, I'm 25, and I'm from Hungary. I came to the Czech Republic to work for Centrum Pro Všechny as a volunteer. I moved to Nymburk in January, and despite the cold weather, I love it here :)

You can find me in the ceramics and dance lessons, occasionally in the Kindergarden or in the Baby-Mum Club, at the weekend programs, and in every camp during the summer. I also try to help as an assistant in Podebrady, in the special school, every Wednesday.

I speak English, German and of course Hungarian, and I'm trying to learn Czech as well, which is quite interesting, but really difficult to be honest... So please, speak slowly and clearly to me! (Also, if you'd like to learn English or German, don't hesitate to contect me!)

I hope I will meet all of you :)

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